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Muhaemin Iskandar

Hello! I'm Muhaemin. I started learning programming in my second semester of college in February 2021, where we studied C++. That's trigger my curiosity to explore & dive programming. I believed there must be more efficient ways, especially with programming technology. I went automation and chose Python for its ease of use, popularity and its case in AI and Data Science.

After about half year, I aimed to make my ML projects publicly accessible, which marked the start of my journey into web development. To avoid frequent language switches, I delved into the JavaScript ecosystem until now. So, scope of Javascript as Fullstack & Python as Addition for API or ML application.

Throughout my life, my interests in Business, UX, and Technology have guided my career roadmap. I found a common thread in creating SaaS, aligning with the My principle Pareto's way. Because build SaaS is Fullstack but, I'm currently concentrating on front-end and API development.

Muhaemin Iskandar
JavaScriptNext.jsReactTypeScriptNode.jsTensorFlowtRPCFastAPIExpressSocket.ioGitSvelteVue.jsNuxt.jsFramerWebflowFlutterReduxMongoDBNestJSGraphQLPythonDjangoGoPostgreSQLFirebasePrettierESLintJestTailwind CSSReact QueryPrismaFigmaMySQLDockerAstroFastifyBun


Do contact me if you need my opinion about web development, especially frontend works. I’ll be happy to help! (find my email in the footer)